mitch & char

mitch & char

Wednesday, August 13


first of all- Sorry that for the past 2 weeks i have not been able to give you updates. The limited email that we had in Addis Ababa was not reliable, and would not allow me to log on to the blogspot. i will give you the short story, and let the pictures tell the rest.

I have been all over the world, and have never seen poverty at this level. People literally starving to death, living in 2 foot x 2 foot x 5 foot sheet metal cubes, seems nearly hopeless, but there is hope- 3000 kids have a brighter tomorrow because of sponsorship. these kids are getting food, clothing, education, and get to know Jesus(hope for tomorrow) ...

we went to construct classrooms for the preschool and kindergarten, task nearly completed.
we went to host vbs for 3 different groups of kids- amazing
we went to have our hearts broken, and to search after His... accomplished
we went as 20 strangers and became family
the kids LOVED their faces painted, and instead of just small pictures on their cheeks, they wanted glasses and beards!... we also got to meet Mahlet- our sponsored girl for 5 years, she is itty bitty, especially for a 14 year old. But-she is VERY smart, and speaks english(a bit anyway-enough to visit with her without an interpretor. Her mom said that they desperately wanted running water closer than 1/2 mile away-we felt horrible, and will try to help)--i also had an incredible opportunity to meet with the President of Ethiopia- WOW, we shared what and why we are doing what we are doing there, and then prayed with him!

the children are beautiful, the staff is dedicated and loves these kids-they are the true missionaries, day in and out they are there to hold, teach and love the children.

The trip was made especially special, as my mom was there. We have always been close, but this really knit our hearts together. All are very emotional as they arrive home. Lack of sleep is to blame for part of it, but the rest is the stark reality of what was seen, and how to process that when we come back to a land of plenty.

I have what may seem to be an unpopular opinion about foreign missions. Many ask me "Thats great that you are doing all of this overseas, but what about the people here at home?"... my response (in love as best as i can) is that here at home we have a social system. if someone is homeless, or hungry, there are systems in place to get back on your feet, get a job, and there is always a shelter with a warm meal. The poorest of the poor in america have it better off than 90% of the rest of the world.

Many would not agree, but i have seen it first hand. I am involved at home, throughout our region, and in the world- as Jesus said " Judea, Samaria, AND the end of the world" I pray that we find favor with Him in reaching "the least of these"

Saturday, August 2

from Philly to Zurich to Brussels to Addis

well, Lufthansa picked an opportune time to strike. The pilots and ground crew stopped service late last week, and resumed some flights today, but ours is not one of them (scheduled tomorrow)... we were due in to Addis at 8pm Monday night, and with the re-routing through zurich and brussels, a 9 hour layover there, and finally to Addis, we will arrive Tuesday morning around 7am. we are arranging with the hotel to be able to check in- shower, and head to the job site then. ... also, i am a bit nervous about the 10:30 am meeting with the Ethiopian President. He is just another man-i am not concerned about that, but i want to be very cautious in greeting him, as to not offend. I am not nearly as well versed in the culture as i should be(do i shake with my left or right hand? :-) ).. irregardless, 10 of the team came in to philly today, the rest show up tomorrow, and tomorrow afternoon we fly out. 9 hours to Zurich, 9 hours in brussels, and the final 8 hours to Addis.

honduras wrap up

ok, as we sit now.. over 875 kids sponsored- A NEW RECORD!!! this is 1/2 of the annual radio expectation-and it all came from KSBJ's Audience. KSBJ is amazing to work with- so incredible with their giving spirit. A genuine staff that truly wants to touch His heart! This is nearly double what we expected to see. They really wanted our ministry to see it and feel it!.

This is the team in Honduras: a whole lotta people!

we leave in 30 minutes to grab the ethiopia team and head over the pond!

Friday, August 1

new flights

well, we are still a go-with a 9 hour lay over in brussels- hooray- we will leave the airport at the same time, but travel an extra 12 hours with a few extra flights. its all good!.. i meet the President of Ethiopia on Tuesday, and we will build the classrooms and have VBS throughout the week. ... i once again say...Phew...

Ethiopia, here we come

well, we are preparing to go to Ethiopia tomorrow, phew, quick turn around. Need your prayers-as i just received word that Lufthansa pilots are on strike, and we are attempting to find space for the team to fly over... wow, talk about last minute. Waiting on God to move now. will keep you posted, and prayerfully be on our way in the morning.