mitch & char

mitch & char

Friday, December 23

Merry Christmas!

We LOVE you, we MISS you, and we are SO thankful for you.  What a comfort to know that ALL around the world, we will all stop and celebrate the same thing.  JESUS!   HE has done so much for us and for so many we know.  Truly “THE GIFT”!

(thank you Mike Pier- Missionary to Zim for this:) When Jesus made his appearance in our world, it wasn’t with a lot of fanfare and with extravagant celebration. He CHOSE to be born in Bethlehem, a city that surely wasn’t a vacation hotspot of the day, in a barn that was full of animals, hay, a few rats and poop, and in a manger…..a feeding trough.

If this is where the Creator of the universe chose to be born, if this is where God showed up on Earth…what is He saying to us?

I think Jesus was saying, “I’m a real person and I’m here to relate with real people, to meet them right where they are, in the dirty places, where there’s animals, rats and poop. Even if it smells bad, I don’t need a red carpet rolled out for me, cuz YOU can be real when you come to me….just as you are”

So many times we think I need to get myself straightened out, then I’ll go to church, do this, do that... I’m here to tell you…NOT SO!!!! I’ts just the opposite, Jesus loves a mess….and He loves cleaning up a mess. He already knows that we smell bad, that we are in a rough place and maybe have made a mess of our life Jesus always seemed to be in hot water with the “religious” folks of the day for hanging out with all those sinners. I for one am so glad Jesus decided to hang out with me and my mess.


Thought you would like to see this. A few more that HE met where they were.   It is our wrap up video from the BIG Christmas Celebrations.  The Lord allowed 6000 children in Swaziland, 3000 in Zimbabwe and over 1000 in Mozambique to hear, know and learn the message that “GOD is with them!”… what an incredible Savior!  thought you might want to see:

Bless you!! and have a WONDERFUL Christmas celebrating with all those you love (or tolerate


It’s a great time for that end of year tax deduction, AND you can be a part of transforming lives in Africa.




Kelly said...

Merry Christmas Mitch & Char. Love you guys bunches!!!

Kendra said...

that was AWESOME!!!!! thank you for sharing. God is smiling