mitch & char

mitch & char

Thursday, November 19

Adrian Plass has one of those amazing and soothing accents when he speaks. On City of Gold years ago, he read this in his British accent with wonderful dramatic pauses:

“When I’m in heaven, tell me their will be kites to fly. The kind they say you can control, although, I never did for long. The kind that spin and spin and spin and spin then sulk and dive and die and rise again and spin again and dive and die and rise up yet again… I love those kites. When I’m in heaven, tell me their will be seasons when the colors fly, poppies splashing flame through dying yellow, living green, and autumns burning sadness that has always made me cry for things that have to end, for winter fires that blaze like captive suns, but look so cold when morning comes. I do love the way the seasons change. When I’m in heaven, tell me there will be peace at last. That in some meadow filled with sunshine, filled with buttercups, and filled with friends. You will… chew a straw and fill us in on how things really are. And if there is some harm in laying earthly hope at heavens door, or in this saying so... well… have mercy on my foolishness, dear Lord. I love this world you made-it’s all I know…”

I don’t know if you have ever questioned or feared about the “next chapter” in your life. I actually take comfort in the upcoming chapters in mine, and one day-OH one day to be in heaven with Jesus. The simplicity and whimsical human nature meeting with the divine creator…sure gives me chills to think about it.

Have you ever wrestled with change in your life? I sure have. I wonder what goes through a baby’s mind as they leave the comfort of the womb, into a world filled with new senses. Usually they come in to the world screaming-so maybe there is some fear involved :-). But look at what God has created for that little baby- a WHOLE new world, full of all sorts of new things to experience… after this “life” experience-would you want to be back in a dark womb-smelling nothing, feeling nothing? God made change to thrill us, fill our minds with hope, and allow us to experience a whole new set of “things”. Even if we do not know what will happen after that change-for ourselves or those around us-it should be EXCITING.

It seems all too often, that we don’t accept or like change-but ponder on this; if nothing changes-how can you best serve your Father? If nothing changes-what is your purpose? If nothing changes-can you be who He designed you to be? I understand-and all too often get caught up in resisting change…and find myself saying…” have mercy on my foolishness, dear Lord. I love this world you made-it’s all I know…”

This same hope can be breathed into all of those around us. How you handle change can determine how those around you handle that change and other changes in their life.

Are you stagnating? Is it time for a change in your life? I will say this- sometimes it is VERY hard, but God knows how to refine you, knows how to humble us and build us back up to be even BETTER…for Him and His service… EMBRACE it if you can-and look forward to the other side…just wait till you can say-I NEVER want to go back to____________(and you fill in the blank)

Our change is coming, and God has started “refining”… it is tough, but HE is SOOOO good, and has a new “us” to reveal as He prepares us to serve Him in Africa.

Psalm 55:19 (Amplified Bible)

19God will hear and humble them, even He Who abides of old--Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!--because in them there has been no change [of heart], and they do not fear, revere, and worship God.

Friday, November 13

Catch the vision- be part of a solution! We can't do it alone- we need your help!

(CocaCola got a hat, jacket, blanket and her first pair of shoes)

Her name is pronounced Kokeysiphothu, but we just called her Coca Cola. She is 15 and we met her in Swaziland in August. Her mother has passed away, her father is ill and Coca Cola has HIV, and will quite possibly not make it another 2 years. We chose not to look at her circumstances, and simply saw a beautiful little girl who desperately wanted to play and be loved. She came up to us boldly, and said IN ENGLISH: "I need you to find me a tutor" and "I want to learn better English to teach teachers of English". We were in awe! Her english was fair despite not having income to go to school-she has been studying. She recognized that if more people spoke English(the language of business and trade) they would have opportunity to change their circumstances. She has more wisdom than we do. Most importantly-she has HOPE for the future and a desire to change her world.

Charlotte and I have been serving with Mission of Mercy for several years now, and are always touched by the hope, that despite desperate times continues to be the one thing people in abject poverty can cling to. They are not looking for a handout; they are looking for an opportunity.

Romans 12:1 reminded us to “offer our body as a living sacrifice-this is our spiritual act of worship.” God is now asking us to be obedient to His call on our lives, and we are responding with a firm YES LORD! We will be selling all of our belongings, and hope to be on the ground in Swaziland Africa by October/November 2010. We are going to join with Children’s Cup ( as missionaries. They are a partner ministry to Mission of Mercy (the child sponsorship organization we have been serving with) and are incredibly passionate about changing the world through this upcoming generation.

While there, we will be overseeing some of the care points (where the children come for meals and classroom time), and will help in discipleship of these children. We will also be working with the local churches and the cook’s ministries at the children’s care points (neighborhood women volunteer to cook for the children each day).

This is not going to be an easy calling, but we KNOW we are to go. The culture there is one where men will come up and quite plainly ask if they can “have” Charlotte, where the Aids virus has ravaged the nation with 43% positive, only 40% of the population have safe drinking water, life expectancy is just 39, and if a child gets through the second grade-they are considered educated. These are all things that can be changed!

Children’s Cup is a wise ministry, they have asked us to secure the majority of our funding prior to going for a minimum of 2 years on the field. We are utilizing our savings and any profits from the selling of our “stuff” to help offset much of the moving expenses as well as a small portion of our monthly needs. This is not going to be enough. We will need your help to fund this ministry. One immediate need upon our arrival will be to secure a reliable vehicle (where lions do actually run wild in the bush, and robbery is a common daily practice-dependability will be key). This alone will be around $8500. We will of course have monthly expenses that need to be met as well. We will put hands and feet to YOUR funding of this ministry.

Your prayers are vitally important. Will you commit to pray for us at least once a week? The enemy will want to throw shadows of doubt on us, and will want to confuse those around us. The devil does not want us to go to serve Christ, but he has NO authority! There will be much preparation in the months ahead. We know there will be trials and hurdles, hiccups and bumps in the road. We embrace those, as they will be a necessary preparation for our hearts as Christ continues to mold us.

If your prayers lead you to put action behind them:

  • Would you help us to connect with your Bible Study/Church group regarding how they can help partner with us?
  • Will you partner with us?
    • One time gift of $1,000, $500 or $200 ?
    • Monthly support of $25, $50, $100 ?

To mail a sponsorship gift:

Children’s Cup

PO Box 400

Prairieville, LA 70769

Please attach a note with our names on it.

To make a tax deductible gift online:

-select our names from dropdown list

God Bless you! Thank you for being part of the journey that led us here, and the journey that defines the next chapter!

Mitch and Charlotte

Wednesday, November 11

Matthew 19:14

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"

-pictures of a few of the kids from our recent trip to Swaziland: our future home.

Nope, not winking- he had some form of eye infection that was not caught in time.. but check out the grin!

Her shirt says it all!

everyone wants to play games with silly americans.

quite possibly her first lollipop.

this little guy was blind, but he taught US how to dance!

Tuesday, November 10



Well, nearly. I just wanted to share with you. This morning we mailed out our first round of support letters(that is so tough for me-I dislike asking anyone for help, but Ben reminded me “you are not asking for yourself, you are asking for God-You are not going on vacation, you are going to be broken and built back up to best serve Him-and you need the prayer and financial support for you to do that”—thanks Ben)

Today was a rough day for me, prayerfully not the first of many. I actually stayed home(first time in 2 years), and have really been down about processing all that is to come—to the point of questioning the call(which we KNOW that God wants us in Africa)-just a shadow of doubt creeping in here and there. The enemy has a stronghold on my “doubts” it seems sometimes, and today-he seemed to be winning

…I started going through our Christmas ornaments to select a few that we will take with us(something I have loved every year since a child- as each family member gives each other an ornament each year, and I can reminisce about 30+ years of memories).. as soon as I opened the first box to sort-the phone rang, and it was my friend up in S.D. with the reassuring news that God loves us. He called just to encourage me today. Then he went on to say that at his company Christmas party- they are going to share about Children’s Cup and the need of the children and ministry- and ask their staff to all make gifts, and that their business is going to support us as part of their business plan of giving with a generous monthly gift starting in January. He has been recruiting others to come on board and pray for us and support us.

…but amidst the tears and sobbing, I once again felt the inexplicable peace come over me. To that friend-I simply can only say “Thank you” you have NO idea how much you mean to me!

OH how God knows the right timing. I sit in awe of Him, and owe Him my life!

I just had to share this-as we are seeing the hand of God move through His people. Why wouldn’t He?-He promised that He would! Yet I am a doubter-just like Thomas, even after seeing the scars-I still question His promises.

He always proves faithful, He always proves powerful, and He always does it when He knows it needs to be done. Who am I to serve the most high?

God has A LOT to show and teach me-I know that being in Africa will be more about Him working in me the first year, than me “saving” anyone. (seems we all think we can change the world immediately when we go overseas… good intentions indeed, but all too often lack the follow-through)...if anything I need His eyes to feel His pain and hurt to become effective ministering to His people.

More committed than ever to answer His call.

Psalm 9:10- those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 36:5- Your Love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

Isaiah 54:10-" Though the mountains be shaken and hills be removed, my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed", says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Mitch and Charlotte Hildebrant
Missionaries to Swaziland Africa
Learn more and keep up with us here:
contact us via Skype: search for user name: mitchchar

If you would like to partner with us in ministry, you may donate online at:

Saturday, November 7

This really drills home one more  great reason why we are MOVING to Africa:

…we covet your prayers-thank you so very much!


What an exciting journey he has planned for all of us-YOU are included in that journey!—He has a journey for you too!   You know, we had a friend with a huge tapestry hanging on his wall.  We took that tapestry and hung it backwards-it was ugly, and made no sense- the fabrics and threads weaved to and fro and made no pattern or discernable design at all.  It would be garbage.  I liken that to our life- we see tattered threads as they weave about crossing each other here and there.  It makes no sense sometimes.. but here comes the Joy!.. HE sees the other side- He has orchestrated those threads to make something beautiful-and as you flip that tapestry around- an incredible picture of all the right threads in all the right places to make a stunning image of a giant mountain with an eagle soaring high above.   The picture we see is not the whole picture- but we take comfort in knowing that HE knows the real picture-and where each thread needs to be to accomplish the end goal.


WHAT AN AWESOME GOD we have the pleasure to serve!



Mitch and Charlotte Hildebrant
Missionaries to Swaziland Africa
Learn more and keep up with us here:
contact us via Skype: search for  user name: mitchchar


Monday, November 2

We were touched deeply in Africa this year. The short story and result : we will be moving there to further ministry efforts on the ground in Swaziland, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. We hope to arrive in the fall of 2010 as missionaries partnering with a child development organization “Childrens Cup”

We will write more soon- but thought you should know now!

It has been an incredible journey that has brought us this far, and we will continue serving with Bethesda Broadcasting and Mission of Mercy until we leave for the next chapter. We are still passionate about being involved with KSLT, KLMP, KTPT, WPFF, WNLI and HIlls Alive-and will continue to give guidance, direction and vision for that ministry. As well, Mission of Mercy runs deep in our veins, and we are excited about the opportunities happening here-in and around us for Mission of Mercy's growth in changing THOUSANDS of childrens lives every day.--this does not and will not change- we LOVE these ministries-and actually thought we would retire serving here with them-who knows, maybe God will call us back together in the future.

This is an exciting "out of the boat" leap for us. Giving up all that we know, selling it all should be a scary thing.. but OH do we have an inexplicable peace!

We wrestled with God about finances, impact, numbers of people we can help in our current roles… what we have heard back is “I don’t care about your accounting, I care about your obedience- come serve me here”… our response is now- a resounding YES.

Romans 12:1 has been a solid point of reference for us, and we are filled with anticipation to see Him move.

Sunday, November 1

Your need is God's business; it's not your business. Your business is the work of the Kingdom, and when you put your needs over what you're called to do, you'll never do what you're called to do because your need becomes your idol. ~Dr. Renny McLean