mitch & char

mitch & char

Saturday, November 29

Christmas Party

What a great day!  Thank you for your support and prayers.  Christmas in eManzana went off with a great celebration.  The 540+ kids definitely left with knowing that the Father Loves them.  Gifts, jumping castles, food, games, crafts, ice-cream and song.  Here are a few pics- Enjoy!  Thanks so much!


In Christ,

Mitch & Char


P.S. – Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible.  The fastest way is to make an online donation via and select our name from the list.  The system can process USA & International cards.  You can also set up automatic monthly gifts if you select the "Monthly" option.  Or simply mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for Mitch & Charlotte Hildebrant

Don’t forget to keep tabs on what the Lord is doing in Southern Africa and



Wednesday, November 26

AHHH The Holidays!

Well, the holidays are a bit different here.  Is there thanksgiving in Africa?  Well, not really, but we still gather, eat too much and visit.  Christmas is EVERYWHERE.  Even many stores here have small decorations available.  We are grateful that it is not a commercial holiday here(yet), but rather a time for families to be together.  Most businesses, all schools and the majority of shops close down from 15 december until after the new year-for that purpose.  (reminds me of ND in the 80s, Family and relationships were the priority).  We pray that this element will remain here-as it gives us great open doors to have great conversations about a great God, born in the flesh to be our Savior!


We are SO thankful for you and are hopeful to see you in February.  May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine on you-and give you PEACE!


In case you don’t receive in the mail, Here is our Christmas post card for you- electronically J

Saturday, November 15

What do you actually do?

It can be confusing to explain what each day looks like here, and many people have asked us.  Each day is different and consists of multiple things.  This might help you to know what efforts you are supporting:

Together with our partners,
We run young adult discipleship and study groups
Feed children
Run preschools
Host bible clubs for kids
Train and coach Pastors
Do microfinance with teen girls and cooks
Construction and (starting) Farming with goal of community sustainability
Will be starting a private elementary school
Will Run an intern program
Visit and pray with people in their homes
Host mission teams

Thank you so much… we are truly THANKful for YOU.  Please do eat an extra portion of turkey and a few more scoops of green bean casserole for us when you gather!

See you in February!(prayerfully)…  please do check out the below blog and facebook links for ramblings, updates, photos and more.  We even write devotionals from time to time in hopes of encouraging you!

In Christ,
Mitch & Char

P.S. – Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible.  The fastest way is to make an online donation via and select our name from the list. 

Power of the Tongue - We should Speak Life - A word of encouragement for you today

I pray this may help you if anyone has ever spoken negatively into your life.

The bible says in  Proverbs 18:21The tongue has the power of life and death,  and those who love it will eat its fruit.

How can a statement or word impact us?  When we were children, we all chanted "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"  right?

The truth is that words hurt the worst, and leave the biggest scars and wounds. 

I was told just a few years ago "You are bad at building relationships".  I had always felt that i was pretty good at building relationships, so to hear this from a close friend-it was a sting deep into my heart, and has remained a scar that bleeds from time to time.  These types of statements stick with us, and become rooted and grow if we are not careful.  The enemy loves to use these things to distract us and cause hurt and pain.

I was confident enough in who i was(and am) in Christ to know that this was a lie from the pit of hell, but i still remember the deep wounding that statement made.  Why are we who are in "THE Church" so harsh to one another?

If you are hurting today from anyone else's lies and statements about you, or if there are lies and rumors going on about you behind your back, know this; You needn't defend yourself!  You know who you are in God, and as long as you are about YOUR business with Him, the persecution is welcome, and really, should be expected!

Romans 12:19 says Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, i will repay, says the Lord.

That is a strong text.  "Avenge...Wrath"  WOW.. wrath is strong word, I don't wish God's wrath on ANYONE.  The reality is that He loves those that persecute us as much as He loves us.  It's hard to see that from our human perspective.  

The next time someone says something about you(whether to your face or elsewheres), let the Lord fight for you.  He is a caring father who will defend your honor at the appropriate time.  More often than not, when someone says these things, they are struggling with the very issue they accuse you of, and perhaps, just maybe, the Lord will use that to surface in their lives that which He wants to work on in them.

Be blessed today, and know that your Father loves you and delights in you.  You are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) and you are Wonderfully and Beautifully made (Psalm 139:14)

Thursday, November 13

Update on Lindiwe. - our God heals!

Last month we shared about a frail dying woman that we had been visiting and counseling with her children. Of course we prayed with her immediately and she had a little more strength that day.
We went to visit her on Sunday before church. Her teen daughter ran up and gave us big hugs and as we walked into the house Lindiwe came out - dressed like business woman-sharp and classy. She was strong and dancing and getting ready to walk the 1.5km over the hill to church!
We are elated to report to you the 180* turn in her health. Praise God always for His response to prayer-whether it looks like we want it to or not!

Thursday, November 6

He is in every detail. Big and small!

Big group of workers went with mitch on Tuesday to clean the job site and demolition walls for the new pastors training center.
We had been struggling on what to call it as a point of reference and understanding for the community. (We don't like putting ours or "spark" name on anything).
It was called eDwaleni fruit and veg-a grocery market, and remnants of the signage are still visible.
Came home and char said "we should call it "the rock". Talked to Darryl and he recommended "Grace training center or Kingdom training center". Then I got a message...
Mom pastor (momfundisi) Jele said "I saw you working at eDwaleni, do you know what that means? (I didn't). She said it means "upon the rock".
eDwaleni training center is now official.

Love those little God involved thingys! (Note to self-listen to wife more often)