mitch & char

mitch & char

Friday, July 11

the calm before the storm

well, 2 days and the crazy starts. Fly out Sunday to GreenBay- praying that we will have a new person ready to lead the team for the next chapter of christian radio there. 2 days there, off to Rapid City for Hills Alive- i am so thankful for such an amazing team -they cover it all, from ice to accounting, fencing to P.R. what great folks. we stay till monday, drive back to Colorado Springs, and fly to Houston on Tuesday to pickup the Honduras team.

We are so blessed that this trip fell together. KSBJ is a benchmark in the industry, and they are targeting 500 children to be sponsored while their staff and audience are with us in Honduras. we come back late night the following wednesday, fly back to Colorado Springs on thursday, and off to Philly on Saturday to pickup the Ethiopia team.(phew)... this one is going to be exciting! Mom, sister, brother in law, and a number of friends are on board. Plus, we finally get to meet Mahlet-our sponsored girl in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. We are for some reason, a bit nervous- we have written letters for over 5 years, and love her and her family dearly- we have seen first hand that sponsorship makes a marked difference. She was my introduction to the ministry-oh how blessed are we!

Back from Ethiopia on 8/13, and off to Portland WMSJ(great folks- i am really looking forward to working with them- this is the first time we have partnered with them).. we are praying for 100+ more children to be sponsored. Sadly, numbers are a bit down, and the need is so immense for the kids-between KSBJ (500), Hills Alive (250), and WMSJ(100+) we pray we can make up some much needed ground in the goal.

I will keep updates on Mission of Mercy's work overseas, and Bethesda Christian Broadcastings sharing the gospel through music and concerts here in the states. We serve such a cool God, i dont get it that other religions have not seen Him and His hand at work around them... we have much work to do for Him before He calls us home.- so quit reading this, and get to work! much love-mitch

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