mitch & char

mitch & char

Tuesday, August 11

WPFF & WNLI Mission team to Swaziland

The time has come... the countdown is down to 1 hand (that's 5 days in case you were curious :-)) and the WPFF / WNLI radio team is ready. Painting, digging gardens, building playgrounds, and most importantly-Lovin on kids! We leave Sunday- and by tuesday night, we should have an update here for you.. pictures and all (that is, IF technology cooperates in Swaziland). This radio station believes in Acts 1:8 They are involved in Greenbay, Sturgeon Bay, Appleton (local) they are involved in the U.P. and clear down to Sheboygan(regional) and they are involved 1/2 way around the world. Amazing! Keep tuned here, updates are coming.

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