mitch & char

mitch & char

Saturday, November 20

There and Back again - with Thanks

No, it is not from JRR Tolkien.  Our physical journey these past two weeks have taken us around the country of Swaziland, across to Mozambique and over to South Africa.  Our spiritual journey seems to have as many miles and bumps in it too.  Perhaps our lowest low two weeks ago, followed by hundreds of notes and emails of encouragement leading to multiple crests of highs.  Through it all, we see that He is teaching us, showing us, and molding us.  We have come to realize that regardless of circumstance-He has a plan.  We so often doubt and question that plan, and see that if He revealed it all upfront that we could not handle it.  We are seeing piece by piece-and relying on His grace in a new and more profound way than ever.  He is truly involved in all of the details, and does all things well!

We are preparing for Thanksgiving in Africa..our first.  We even found turkey today(a rare and precious commodity here).  30+ friends(who are now all family) will get together, not watch sports, and not go Christmas tree hunting…BUT we will celebrate! 

There is much to be thankful for.  God’s journey for each of our lives will always take us there and back again…and at the end of that- we can always be thankful.

(picture-little guy in Mozambique at Pastor Isaac Williams CarePoint and HPC Moz.  When I question “why me”  I can look to these kids and see how blessed I am-no matter what happens to me)

We know that through the ups and downs, we are not alone, and not the first to experience it.  Psalm 21:1-2-David is rejoicing and saying how great God is.. Psalm 22:1-2-David is questioning why God has left him.   The great news is that God will NEVER forsake us and  NEVER leave us

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing that great reminder!
Blessings and prayers!