mitch & char

mitch & char

Tuesday, October 21

A gift given and received at JUST the right time - A Lesson for both sides

Galations 6:9 "...for in due season we shall reap..."

Oh the heart of people; we are so blessed to have friends and supporters in this ministry.

We were able to connect today via skype with long time friends for the first time in over a year.  They share the same convictions and thoughts of "The Church" as us, and were part of a special group of intimate friends back in the USA.  

She had recently received severance from her job and admitted that "I sat on it for so long, thinking of all the things i wanted and could do with it...and finally i sent a portion to you, I meant to a long time ago...but"  

Well, we were elated (to say the least) to receive it...but more importantly, her honesty showed us a legitimate struggle that even we go through- the clinging onto of "things" to get "stuff".  Was so proud of her honesty in sharing with us that giving was hard.  

Fact is, we all face that; when we have to sacrifice, it stings a bit.  We recognize the sacrifice that so many people give to us.  We NEVER want to take that for granted...we also know that God is working in that to develop the giver and the receiver (i still struggle with receiving-yikes, i am in the wrong profession for that;  Thanks God for yet another lesson) 

Other side of the story; we didn't know all of this but were amazed by the gift and it's timing.  Right on time to continue the construction work at a preschool that we and our partners are building.  It actually saved us money in relocating the crew to a new job site only to bring them back after the rest of the funds were raised.  We were able to keep the workers busy (this school should be complete now this coming Friday).  

Thanks to one persons struggle and obedience, we see God blessing people by the hundreds.  

We remain humbled and amazed at His Glory, Splendor and divine timing!

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