.,:~`**`~:,.1John 4:16 "...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." .,:~`**`~:,.
mitch & char

Sunday, December 28
Friday, December 26
Smaller is...bigger?
We hope and pray your Christmas was filled with Comfort and Joy! And now…on to a New Year!
So many people think of the grandeur and spectacular nature of a clean slate and ushering in a new year. Big, BIG, BIG.. boom..Flash..HOORAY.
My guess is, however, that you probably remember the times when it was just you and a select few as the most impactful in your life.
As we reflect back on this past year we have realized that Smaller is…BIGGER! The small groups and intimate times with people we are in connection with have had much greater impact and are farther reaching(in depth and width) than any spectacular single event we have done.
Last week we stopped by Mahushu(the project we started with Pastor Richard’s guidance over 2 years ago). Richard has become a dear, trusted friend. More passionate than we are about reaching the hurting. It is so nice seeing an African(Ugandan) fall in love with caring for people and leading them to Christ. He knew we were coming by to see the church(that you and many local Afrikaaners built) but more importantly to spend some time with him. Unbeknownst to us, he had arranged a surprise. All of this past years students from School of Ministry were there! We sat and shared and asked them what the most impactful time with the Lord was for them in the year gone by. “healing in family, healing in hearts, no more condemnation, joy”…the fruit list went on. It was a POWERFUL time with these young adults! (ps-THANK YOU for supporting the ministry efforts here- because of you, THEY know He cares). Then came the tears…
The students said “we put together some little bits of money we had and got you a gift”. WOW, so humbling. They had a lovely card, and a small package. 3 juice glasses. Perhaps the most beautiful glasses we have ever seen. Simple, plain, but overflowing with heart. And now-several of them are talking about relocating to serve with our work where we are now. If I did the whole silly hashtag thing I would say “Blessed” (but I haven’t really figured this crazy thing out yet).
As we enter 2015, we continue to look at ways to go deeper with small groups-so as to be more effective in duplicating. Walking tough relationships together. There’s this guy we read about from long ago. He loved to spend, and spent most of His time with 12 men. It seemed to work, as now over 2000 years later…well, we are all products of those 3 years of time investment He made. (in case you haven’t realized- that guy was Jesus Christ). Yes, He spoke to the masses, but He always retreated to the 12. He was intentional, focused, passionate.
Thank you for your love, your grace, your prayers, your support.
Pic of the students as they surprised us.
All our love and best as you enter 2015!
Mitch & Char
P.s. - Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible. The fastest way is to make an online donation via www.WorldOutreach.org/donations and select our name from the list. You have flexibility to set up automatic monthly gifts or one time gifts online. You can also mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for Mitch & Charlotte Hildebrant.
Don't forget to keep tabs on what the Lord is doing in Southern Africa at www.mitchionary.blogspot.com and www.facebook.com/mitchchar
Monday, December 22
P.s. - Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible. The fastest way is to make an online donation via www.WorldOutreach.org/donations and select our name from the list. You have flexibility to set up automatic monthly gifts or one time gifts online. You can also mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for Mitch & Charlotte Hildebrant.
Don't forget to keep tabs on what the Lord is doing in Southern Africa at www.mitchionary.blogspot.com and www.facebook.com/mitchchar
Saturday, December 20
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 5
It is going to be a Slow, Non Commercial Christmas
We are not fond of "quantifying" the Lord's work and find ourselves running the extreme opposite direction at times.
With that said, we do want to give you an accurate report of the year gone by and where we need your help in the year ahead! Praise GOD!
In 2014 The Lord allowed us to be part of the following with your support and partnership along with local churches and missions agencies here on the ground:
Helped plant a new church
Secured a ministry farm / ministry base
Feeding and biblical care efforts for over 1200 children at 15 locations
Young Adults School of Ministry in Bhekiswayo
1 new Preschool constructed - ready for January
Hosted staff and missionary conferences
Planned construction for private elementary school
Completed construction on Pastors training center
Expanded to 21 missionary partners, and close to 100 volunteers
Took on funding and support for a project in a highly impoverished area in Swaziland
Prepped for European interns who will join us in spring 2015
Outreach into local elementary and high schools
Sourced local vitamin fortified foods cheaper than importing from USA
Hosted several teams from USA
Multiple playground sets installed
Began coaching of pastors in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa
Christmas party and gift for over 540 children in eManzana
In 2015 we envision
Completion of 2 classrooms for private elementary school (opening in 2016)
Renovation of Ministry base for expanding cash crops beyond existing macadamias and implementing skills training
10 + teams coming to serve
Intership program growth and expansion
More missionaries / partners (skills, farming, education, discipleship)
Full use of teachers and trainers to utilize the Pastors Center in Elukwatini
Construct team housing and gathering hall at the farm
New School of ministry and discipleship for young adults in Emanzana
Short return visit to USA
Implementation of robust/duplicatable Kids Group activities (Awana style)
Growing deeper in faith and walking with those we serve in that same capacity
Several Kids camps (2-3 days intensive connection with God)
2 more kitchens for new project and feeding locations
Saturday, November 29
Christmas Party
What a great day! Thank you for your support and prayers. Christmas in eManzana went off with a great celebration. The 540+ kids definitely left with knowing that the Father Loves them. Gifts, jumping castles, food, games, crafts, ice-cream and song. Here are a few pics- Enjoy! Thanks so much!
In Christ,
Mitch & Char
P.S. – Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible. The fastest way is to make an online donation via www.WorldOutreach.org/donations and select our name from the list. The system can process USA & International cards. You can also set up automatic monthly gifts if you select the "Monthly" option. Or simply mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for Mitch & Charlotte Hildebrant
Don’t forget to keep tabs on what the Lord is doing in Southern Africa atwww.mitchionary.blogspot.com and www.facebook.com/mitchchar
Wednesday, November 26
AHHH The Holidays!
Well, the holidays are a bit different here. Is there thanksgiving in Africa? Well, not really, but we still gather, eat too much and visit. Christmas is EVERYWHERE. Even many stores here have small decorations available. We are grateful that it is not a commercial holiday here(yet), but rather a time for families to be together. Most businesses, all schools and the majority of shops close down from 15 december until after the new year-for that purpose. (reminds me of ND in the 80s, Family and relationships were the priority). We pray that this element will remain here-as it gives us great open doors to have great conversations about a great God, born in the flesh to be our Savior!
We are SO thankful for you and are hopeful to see you in February. May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine on you-and give you PEACE!
In case you don’t receive in the mail, Here is our Christmas post card for you- electronically J
Saturday, November 15
What do you actually do?
We run young adult discipleship and study groups
Feed children
Run preschools
Host bible clubs for kids
Train and coach Pastors
Do microfinance with teen girls and cooks
Construction and (starting) Farming with goal of community sustainability
Will be starting a private elementary school
Will Run an intern program
Visit and pray with people in their homes |
Host mission teams
Power of the Tongue - We should Speak Life - A word of encouragement for you today
Thursday, November 13
Update on Lindiwe. - our God heals!
We went to visit her on Sunday before church. Her teen daughter ran up and gave us big hugs and as we walked into the house Lindiwe came out - dressed like business woman-sharp and classy. She was strong and dancing and getting ready to walk the 1.5km over the hill to church!
We are elated to report to you the 180* turn in her health. Praise God always for His response to prayer-whether it looks like we want it to or not!
Thursday, November 6
He is in every detail. Big and small!
We had been struggling on what to call it as a point of reference and understanding for the community. (We don't like putting ours or "spark" name on anything).
It was called eDwaleni fruit and veg-a grocery market, and remnants of the signage are still visible.
Came home and char said "we should call it "the rock". Talked to Darryl and he recommended "Grace training center or Kingdom training center". Then I got a message...
Mom pastor (momfundisi) Jele said "I saw you working at eDwaleni, do you know what that means? (I didn't). She said it means "upon the rock".
eDwaleni training center is now official.
Love those little God involved thingys! (Note to self-listen to wife more often)
Thursday, October 30
Extra Extra, Newsletter and no ebola here:
(image too small?- click to enlarge)
Please check out the simple and easy to read 1 page newsletter attached. Exciting times here, and great growth in the Lord. We want you to be part of it and realize the impact your prayers and support have and continue to make!.
Also- :
- NO EBOLA here.. we are 3500 miles away from the closest documented case of Ebola. Have peace in your heart. We do worry for you though- YOU are closer to infections and documented cases in the USA than we are here. The reality is that if it were to make it's way here, we would have a much harder time in containing it. Yes, the media has enjoyed it's hype, but the reality is that it is a serious illness, and we pray it is stopped and no more have to suffer from it in this world.
- We are coming to the USA in February- details to follow
In Christ,
Mitch & Char
P.S. – Supporting our ministry is easy and gifts are tax deductible. The fastest way is to make an online donation via www.WorldOutreach.org/donations and select our name from the list. The system can process USA & International cards. You can also set up automatic monthly gifts if you select the "Monthly" option. Or simply mail your gift to World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for Mitch & Charlotte Hildebrant
Don't forget to keep tabs on what the Lord is doing in Southern Africa at www.mitchionary.blogspot.com and www.facebook.com/mitchchar
Tuesday, October 28
...And He laughed
Mitch Hildebrant
Missionary to Southern Africa
Wednesday, October 22
Buy a tshirt and give Christmas to a child in South Africa
We are hosting a Christmas celebration and providing a gift for 500+ children in Emanzana South Africa on Saturday Nov 29. The theme: "The Father's Love" We will have 5 jumping castles, crafts, meal, lessons, games, ice cream and show "nemo" on the big screen(first time for these kids to see something like this) Relating his story to God's pursuit of us as His beloved.
Feel free to order a tshirt and support the effort!
Tuesday, October 21
A gift given and received at JUST the right time - A Lesson for both sides
We were able to connect today via skype with long time friends for the first time in over a year. They share the same convictions and thoughts of "The Church" as us, and were part of a special group of intimate friends back in the USA.
She had recently received severance from her job and admitted that "I sat on it for so long, thinking of all the things i wanted and could do with it...and finally i sent a portion to you, I meant to a long time ago...but"
Well, we were elated (to say the least) to receive it...but more importantly, her honesty showed us a legitimate struggle that even we go through- the clinging onto of "things" to get "stuff". Was so proud of her honesty in sharing with us that giving was hard.
Fact is, we all face that; when we have to sacrifice, it stings a bit. We recognize the sacrifice that so many people give to us. We NEVER want to take that for granted...we also know that God is working in that to develop the giver and the receiver (i still struggle with receiving-yikes, i am in the wrong profession for that; Thanks God for yet another lesson)
Other side of the story; we didn't know all of this but were amazed by the gift and it's timing. Right on time to continue the construction work at a preschool that we and our partners are building. It actually saved us money in relocating the crew to a new job site only to bring them back after the rest of the funds were raised. We were able to keep the workers busy (this school should be complete now this coming Friday).
Thanks to one persons struggle and obedience, we see God blessing people by the hundreds.
We remain humbled and amazed at His Glory, Splendor and divine timing!
Thursday, October 2
How is YOUR money used?
Can you believe it is October already? Summer is FAST approaching here in eManzana. The winds have picked up and a few gentle rains are starting to come after a long dry season.
As missionaries, you know that our financing comes from people just like you. We are so grateful, and at times have even felt guilty. Living off of others generosity is not an easy place to be (we prefer to Give and not receive) , but the Father has shown us His love through you. He is a BIG giver! And we are undeserving of His love too, but we receive it freely…all this to say- THANK YOU!
You may wonder “what does my gift do?” Well, we try to be great stewards of your money. We are mindful of how we spend that money and our goal is to love people into the Kingdom of God (EVERYTHING we do MUST point to our Savior, whether that is the lady at the grocery store, or the kids at the Centers). Your gifts allow us to do just that. Good budgeting has helped us to get our living expenses (food, gas, phone, housing) down to $850 per month. That means that EVERY penny we receive over that amount goes 100% into ministry and outreach.
You may have noticed lately (via facebook) several projects happening here that are opening doors for the Gospel message. Several conferences, a center for pastoral training, preschools, land and funds to build classrooms for a private elementary school, and a 1/3 share of a self sustaining farm. (we believe in 5-10 years will generate funds to put back into ministry expansion).
Our partnership with other like minded missionaries is bringing great advancement and allowing each to operate within their spiritual giftings. (education, construction, planning, administration, teaching, etc). In fact starting tomorrow Missionary Pastor Danny Sartin from the USA is here to pour into us for 2 days as we focus on keeping what matters first in our lives and ministries.
We are BLESSED to partner with you, and so thrilled to report how your funds are used. God is and has used YOU mightily to advance His kingdom at a pace we have not seen before.
Grace and peace to you dear friend! We love and miss you, and look so forward to sharing more in February when we return to the USA for 4 weeks. (keep us in your prayers please.. those 4 weeks are full with visits to 13 states)
Monday, September 15
She was the closest to death of anyone I have ever visited.
She was the closest to death of anyone I have ever visited.
I don't have many "sad" days here in Africa anymore… truly, the Joy of the Lord has given us great strength to deal and cope with what we see around us. But today started out as one of those "OH NO" days.
A friend called and said "you must go visit lindiwe at her house-she is not well". Lindiwe is a mother of 4 beautiful kiddos, and is about 40 years old. You can tell by her features that she was a very attractive woman. I knocked on the door, and didn't hear anything, so I walked in. She was laying on a rickety couch and couldn't even lift her head or make a sound. I explained that I came to check on her and pray with her. She tried to smile, but still could not speak. We prayed, and asked the Lord to give her strength and healing. About 5 minutes later, she sat up, a bit of a confused look in her eye, but spoke English to me and said "I took my tablets but can't eat and swallow foods". You see, Lindiwe has AIDS, it is extremely advanced and her frail body is just skin and bones, maybe 70 lbs. I asked her if she could swallow porridge or yogurt…she smiled. Quick batch of porridge and we visited briefly. She said "I really want to bath"(it had obviously been quite some time since she washed herself). I (mitch) explained that I could not help her with that, but would find someone to help. I immediately rushed to each of the neighbors and asked. They were met with shock as a white man was at their door, and didn't feel comfortable helping her in that way. One neighbor said she would make porridge for her each day to take her tablets(ARV's are the drugs you take for HIV/AIDS-but you MUST eat with them).
I thanked the neighbor and went to our friends- the cooks at the church about 2 miles away. I asked them if they knew anyone we could get to help Lindiwe. She doesn't have much time left this side of heaven.
JUST BY CHANCE(Yeah right!)... The cooks pointed across the street and said "There are 4 in home careworkers meeting right now". With shock on my face, I went across the soccer field and interrupted their meeting. I explained (as best I could in siswatti and then English) that we have a friend with desperate need. The ladies immediately stopped what they were doing, chatted and one of them knew of her! Fekile(one of the workers) said "take me to her now", so we did. We walked back into her house and made introductions. Fekile said that she would remain and help her and continue to visit her consistently to ensure she was cared for.
Praising God tonight as we see His great hand in every aspect of African life. We know Lindiwe will soon be home with Him, and that He even has a plan that we needn't worry about for her children's future.
Thursday, September 4
Meet our Friends and fellow servants in Mpumalanga
Friday, August 22
Monday, August 11
Constancia- Powerful future leader- passionate for what God is doing in her life.
Friday, August 8
School of Ministry Graduation
On Sunday, 19 young adult leaders will graduate our School of Ministry program. We have so enjoyed our time with them and their families, and thanks to you- are able to extend the program for YEARS with purchase of used television and usb drive adapter for video teachings (about 300 more teachings), and one of the students taking over as facilitator. The students requested continued learning! (hooray!).
Meet Ncobile- she said "before i came to School of Ministry, I couldn't be a free person in talking about sensitive things in my life, but i now see God's plan and what I am in Christ. I have learned to protect myself from the enemy, how to pray and not be judgemental. When we finish, I am committed to teach someone else what I have learned, for it is important for people to know what they mean to God and how much He loves us"
-We are so thrilled for our little sister Ncobile(NO(click)bee-lay), and have great hopes for her future! Please keep her and the rest of the youth in your prayers. We love them dearly.
Sunday, August 3
Lisedi - Smart, Focused, In love with the Lord
Saturday, August 2
Pictures from the partner group ministry farm...

Friday, July 25
Great God stuff!
Saturday, June 28
Then came the sting. "She could just have another..."
Monday, June 2
Monday, May 5
No lengthy articles, just a brief paragraphJ
Trusting you are well and growing in your Faith! Life is moving at the speed of… well, life. Char has been in the USA for 3.5 weeks and returns in one more week. It’s times like these I reflect in Genesis 2 “it is not good for man to be alone”. I miss her terribly, however this season has resulted in some very sweet times of worship and ministry with the Lord for me. Schools of ministry are going quite well- several students have testified that their lives are changed, and they feel hope and have broken free from condemnation and judgements of others (hooray!). The Kidz Kingdom Centers are continuing to feed and we have a short delay in securing our AWANA(approved workmen are not ashamed) kids curriculum- but SOON we will start kids clubs up to disciple the next generation. Our cooking mothers are doing well in their microfinance hand craft ventures(pic attached of one of them-Mom Moerdar (she also cares for the babies during the day at the center)) The other picture is of “Dorcas”. I spoke at my friend Pastor Richards church this weekend, and OH what a small world. This lady(not a member of the church) was visiting yesterday, and after service we began to speak with each other- Long story short…She was one of my nurses 2 years ago when I was in the hospital in Nelspruit(50km away from where I was yesterday).
We were given land to build our pastors and leaders training facility, however the land is VERY inconvenient for the local public to get to-requiring several busses and additional expense, so we remain believing that there is a PRIME location coming available soon to us in the heart of the Elukwatini/Nhlazatshe community (el-ook-wah-tee-knee / En-shlaw-zaht-she). Soon we will break ground on the center. We are looking into farming (not for us, but )as a way to utilize what is here locally to supplement and support the existing efforts moving forward. Skills training, employment and more could/would occur here- Stay tuned!
Remember to dream bigger- Gods vision is always best.
Bless you,
Friday, April 18

Odd signs don’t catch our attention anymore. The odder the better, but often we find ourselves just flying by a sign that makes no sense, or spells something phonetically instead of properly and don’t even think twice. Hippo crossing signs do however, still make me smile.